Leslie Dion, Director of Recreation
Les is the Director of Recreation here at the TTCC. She has been a dedicated employee to the Community Center for over 25 years. Les is involved in many other organizations that benefit the community such as the Bristol Rotary Club, the NH Marathon, Bristol Lions Club & more! Les is a past recipient of the “Wink Tapply” award that is given out at the state level to the recognize the top director’s in the field. She is also currently on the Select Board for the Town of Bristol. When she is not in the office she enjoys spending time with her husband Phil, her grandkids and of course her labs!
Dan MacLean, Assistant Director
Dan is the Assistant Director for the TTCC and has worked here since 1991 when he was a Jr. Camp Counselor – he was even a camper here! Dan is in charge of the youth sports programs and is the TTCC’s communications & scheduling coordinator. Dan received his Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education from UNH & was a past recipient of the NH Parks & Rec “Wink Tapply” Professional Award and the “Don Heyliger” Young Professional Award. Dan also helps with the NH Marathon and was the Race Director for 5 years. When Dan’s not at the Center, he enjoys spending time with his wife Stacy and 2 boys, Tyler and Brady. Dan loves to hike, run, play golf & stay as active as possible!
Gina Richford, Program Supervisor
Gina is the Program Supervisor for the TTCC and oversees the after school & teen programs. She has been vital in growing our teen program by heading up a very active Teen Council through the high school with over 20 members that volunteer for many of the TTCC programs! Gina also runs our popular Special Olympics Young Athletes Program & is a summer camp director as well. Gina joined the team at the TTCC in 2013! When Gina is not at the TTCC, she likes spending time with her 2 children Caleb & Madi and taking photos.
Mark Dionne, Grants & Community Engagement Manager
Mark is the Grants and Community Engagement Manager for the TTCC and has worked in the Newfound area for several years, as a Director of the Newfound Audubon Center and as a freelance writer and musician. A graduate of Plymouth State University, Mark enjoys hiking, fishing and spending time with his family playing in the woods and waters that surround. Mark joined the TTCC team in January 2023!
Mikayla Royea, Program & Office Assistant
We would like to officially welcome Mikayla Royea as our new Program & Office Assistant! Mikayla has been with the TTCC for 8 years working in our afterschool & summer camp programs. In the Fall of 2023, we recruited her to help with additional jobs at the TTCC including various office duties, marketing, billing, administrative support & more.
Mikayla is currently taking classes at SNHU towards a Bachelor of Arts Degree in General Studies with a Concentration in Leadership. She will be using her impressive technology skills to keep the TTCC website updated and says that she is ecstatic to be taking on more responsibilities. We are very excited to have her join our team.
Program Staff:
Holly Briggs, Daryll Ellis, Jessica Grace, Logan Hinton, Brianna Hughes, Jazmin Ivers, Sophia Jean, Garrett King, Gail Lawler, Grant Lemieux, Peggy Manney, Josh Randall, Madison Royea, Matt Seaver, Rebecca Seaver, Rachel Spain, Amber Thibodeau
The Bristol Recreation Advisory Council, known as BRAC, is a volunteer Board of Directors for the Tapply-Thompson Community Center. This amazing group meets regularly throughout the year to help with the TTCC mission. Anyone interested should contact the Director of Recreation, Leslie Dion, at ldion@ttccrec.org
- Rick Alpers, Chair
- Ben LaRoche, Vice-Chair
- Stephanie Vogel, Secretary
- Michael O’Neill, Treasurer
- Leslie Dion, TTCC Director
- Kris Bean, Bristol Police Dept.
- Frank Dolloff , Bristol
- Shannon Hall, Hill
- Ann Holloran, Alexandria
- Kyle Masterson, New Hampton
NEEDED: Bridgewater, Danbury, Groton, Hebron
- Jason Briand
- Kendra Cullen
- Peter Daniels
- Scott Doucette
- Amanda Hutchins
- Vincent Milano
- Nate Saler
- MaKayla Smith
- Dillon Therrien
- Doug Williams
- David Evans
- Matt Greenwoood
- Beth Dever
- Earline Wells
- Alan Blakeley
- Marilyn Blakeley
- Mary Kay Haines
- Linda Lyden
- Richard “Wink” Tapply – In Memory
- Sam Worthen – In Memory
- Ellis Frank – In Memory
- Harold Sheffield – In Memory
- Melva Day – In Memory
- Bebe Wood – In Memory
- Barbara Greenwood – In Memory
- Abbott Allen – In Memory